British Journal of Research Open Access

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    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
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A Colored CAD System for Breast Mammography

Maha A.Elhady Almona Ali

Breast Cancer is the most common and life threatening cancer
among women. Mammography is the process of using low-energy
X-rays to examine the human breast. It is one of the best
examination procedures for early detection of breast cancer.
Mammograms are the most difficult of radiological images to
interpret since they are of low contrast. Radiologists typically
diagnose breast abnormalities and indicate their regions from
mammograms. Sometimes due to small masses or breast density
radiologists may miss the suspicious regions, so the diagnosis
can fail. Therefore, efforts in developing Computer Aided Detection/
Diagnosis (CAD) algorithms for mammogram analysis
will assist radiologist in images interpretation for accurate diagnosis
and efficient detection of cancer cells in the earlier stages.