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A study of the efficacy of meta cognitive strategies on creativity and self confidence and approaching problem solving among the third grade junior school students of the city of Rey

Morad Abdivarmazan, Mohamad Ehsan Taghizade,Heman Mahmoudfakhe, Mohamad Ali Tosang and Narmin Boromand

The main aim of this research was investigating the effect of met cognitive strategies training on problem solving methods of students in guidance school level. Research method was experimental with pretest – posttest design with control group. The method of sampling was accessible sampling. Sample groups were consisted of 2 classes totally with 56 members, each class 28 students. One of the classes selected randomly as an experimental group and another as a control group. Both groups were tested by Problem Solving Scale Inventory as a pretest. Then experimental group received met cognitive strategies training through 8 sessions of 50 minutes, whereas control group did not receive any intervention. As training course finished, the post test was conducted on both groups. Received data was analyzed by using Covariance analysis. Findings showed that training of met cognitive strategies has significant effect on increasing creativity, self-confidence and tendency to close to problem solving.