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Abies: A Threatened Genus

Teena Agarwal

Gymnosperms are the plant of the always with great concerns, they have the fruitless seed, they represent the great evolution. In that recent era Cycadales (one lines of the evolution ) are the living fossils of the gymnosperms, this is the relict lines of the evolution, only few member are present here and they show the all feature of the pathways of the conservative evolution of the gymnosperms. Coniferales lines of the evolution is the main cladistces which have a combinations of the characters, they have all the characters of development and evolution of the gymnosperms in this review we are analyzing some of the aspects of the one of the confier entitled as the Abies. This is the dominant genus only after the Pinus, in the belt of the conifers forest in different mountains. Some of the main aspects of the Abies have been regarding to their occurrence and the conservation has been presented in this paper.