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Addition of Calcium Chloride as a Preservative Agent to Store Apple (Pyrus domestica L.)

Yasar Aziz, Shagufta and Mukhtiar Ali*

This experiment was conducted at food science laboratory technology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, during 2018 to evaluate the "effect of Calcium Chloride (CaCI2) on the quality of apple (Pyrus domestica L.) during storage" The experiment was performed by two factorial Complete Randomize Design (CRD) i.e., dipping time in calcium chloride solution (3, 6 and 9 minutes) and storage intervals (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 days). The quality characteristics of apple fruit were significantly influenced by dipping time during storage. The obtained results concluded that different time dipping in calcium chloride solution retained the physiochemical properties of apple fruit during storage period. The minimum increase in pH (4.86), total soluble solid (12.98 obrix) were recorded in T3, minimum decrease in moisture contents (87.72%) and minimum decrease in the weight loss (1.00%) were recorded in T2, while the maximum increase in ash contents (1.31%) and maximum decrease in titrable acidity (0.31) were shown in T2 and T3. From the data it is concluded that apple fruits dipped for 9 minutes in calcium chloride solution maintained the quality of fruits sample and also increase the shelf life of fruit at room temperature.

Published Date: 2024-07-19; Received Date: 2019-09-09