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An investigation of the mycoflora in marine soil from Andaman Islands

Thennarasu, V., Panneerselvam, A. and Thajuddin, N.

The mycoflora of the marine soil was investigated from four different localities of Andaman Islands. Physico – chemical characters of the soil were also analyzed to find out their impact on fungal population. The fungi were identified and assigned to twenty five genera and fifty four species. Greater populations as well as a wide spectrum range of fungal genera and species were recorded in Chidiya Tapu while Ross Island was the poorest one. Most of the genera detected belonged to the form class Deuteromycetes (21genus and 50 species) with less populations belonging to the Ascomycetes ((3 genus and 3 species) and Phycomycetes (1genus and 1 species). Aspergillus and Penicillium were seems to be the predominant genera with 17 and 7 species respectively. The soil characters such as pH (7.26 to 7.87), electrical conductivity (0.29 to 0.56 dsm-1), organic carbon (0.17 to 0.32), available nitrogen (79.8 to 116 kg/ac), available iron (2.30 to 4.52 ppm), calcium (5.20 to 6.65 mg/kg) and potassium (0.03 to 0.06) recorded also showed variation.