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Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of WASH and Nutrition in Emergencies: A Study on a Haor area of Bangladesh Affected by Floods

Md. Azizul Haque and Prof. Dr. Sourabh Chakraborty

Background: Haor is a bowl-shaped large tectonic depression. It receives surface runoff water by rivers and canals, and consequently, a haor becomes a very extensive water body in the monsoon and dries up mostly in the post-monsoon period. The Haors are considered the most productive wetland resources of Bangladesh.

Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) of WASH and nutrition in the emergency because of floods in the Haor area of Bangladesh.

Methodology: This is a cross-sectional survey of 252 households using face-to-face interviews.

Result: The found male were 177 (70.2%), Age groups (31-40) 77 (30.6%), marital status married 238 (94.4%), Occupation farmer 155 (61.5%), Education illiterate 188 (74.6%). Most of the respondents (92.1 %, n=232) in the study area get their drinking water from the deep tube well. The majority of the respondents (65.5 %, n=165) do not treat their drinking water. Almost all (98.9%, n=86) the households that treat their drinking water store it in jars. Only 1 (1.1%) household was found to store the treated drinking water in the pitcher. None of the respondents (100%, n=252) knew how to prepare oral rehydration solution. Most of the households (95.2%, n=240) had latrines, whereas 12 households (4.8%) had none. 222 respondents (92.5%) reported that all the members use the latrines. In 14 households (5.8%), the latrine is used only by a person with a physical challenge. In 4 cases (1.7%), we found only adult men and women being the
users of the latrine. All the respondents (100%, n=222) reported that they use the latrine regularly.

Conclusion: Despite the success in the water and sanitation sector as a result of continuous effort, hard-to reach marginal areas of the countries are still lacking adequate facilities and provision of such supports.