British Journal of Research Open Access

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Changing Your Life by Changing Your Behaviors: The Secret to a Longer and Disease-Free Life Lies Within Your Lifestyle Choices

David C. Batman

As the world battles the current coronavirus pandemic, we havealso been facing another global crisis that is far less discussed:the prevalence, cost, and mismanagement of chronic disease.Globally, about one in three adults suffer from multiple chronicdiseases1. Common chronic conditions consist of obesity,diabetes, heart disease, depression, and hypertension2. Thesetypes of chronic conditions (and others) are extremely costly atboth the individual-level and employer-level and are taxing onhealthcare systems. As conditions worsen, pain increases leadingto fatigue and inability to work. Disengaged employees andabsenteeism is expensive for any employer. With each additionalchronic condition, annual healthcare costs increase between80-300%3. And those with chronic conditions are at a muchhiger risk for COVID-19 complications and the mortality rateis 12 times higher4. Many factors influence the possibility ofdeveloping a chronic condition, such as a sedentary lifestyle,poor diet, alcohol / substance abuse. The good news is that70% of overall risk is due to these lifestyle behaviors5. Therefore,if you’re looking for the secret to a longer and healthierlife, it lies within your daily habits. Now is the time to takecontrol of your health and wellbeing by adopting healthy habitsthat stick because preventing chronic conditions is far easierthan managing or reversing them. This session will explore:how you can change your attitudes and daily behaviors to leada healthier life and how you can empower your employees to dothe same; COVID-19 biggest risk factors; how a holistic wellbeingvendor can help address these challenges.