Esha Dwivedi*, Lalit Kumar Singh
The world dealing with nanoscale is rapidly gaining importance in wide variety of fields. High pace emergence of nanoparticle applications is demanding the use of biological resources for their clean, nontoxic and ecofriendly synthesis. Copper Nanoparticles (CuNPs) have exceptionally favourable physic chemical properties such as high electrical conduction, high surface activity and excellent biocompatibility which encourage their applications in agricultural and industrial domains. Applicability in magnetic nano devices, multiple electronic devices and integration in materials and medicines in turn enhance the significance of CuNPs. The synthesis of CuNPs is possible by physical, chemical as well as biological methods but due to high energy demand, high cost, long time requirement and toxicity related issues, physical and chemical methods face drawbacks. Use of biological methods can fulfill the shortcoming faced by the other two methods and can render safe, economical, sustainable and eco friendly synthesis. Biological resources comprising simple bacteria to complex higher organisms are being exploited for the synthesis of NPs. Hence this review deals with CuNPs and their potential applications along with various biological synthesis strategies and their advantages over one another.
Published Date: 2022-10-17; Received Date: 2022-06-27