Journal of Intensive and Critical Care Open Access

  • ISSN: 2471-8505
  • Journal h-index: 14
  • Journal CiteScore: 2.54
  • Journal Impact Factor: 3.4
  • Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days)
  • Average article processing time (30-45 days) Less than 5 volumes 30 days
    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
    10 and more volumes 45 days
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Coronavirus and Sepsis

Anusha Swarna

Sepsis is a life-threatening emergency caused by massive immune response to bacterial infection that gets into the blood, which often leads to organ failure or injury, and quick treatment can rely on people at home noticing something is wrong and acting on their instincts to get help.

In a different context sepsis is linked to coronavirus (COVID-19) because sepsis is one of the ways that COVID-19 can cause serious illness and death.