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Covid-19, The Reason Behind The Self-Reported Cognitive Distress, Physiological Impacts and Reluctance To Vaccine Among Students

Muhammad Haris khan*

Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has drastically dulled the livelihood, economic condition, psychic health, physiological health, and cognitive abilities of mankind explicitly students throughout the world. Every Covid-19 wave comes with the surety of thwarting the recuperation of the preceded one. The study aim is to consider the upshots of the pandemic on the modus vivendi of students, quarantined from social life, of age ranging from 13-25 and demeaning effect on their learning abilities as the medium of learning shifts to online that concertedly breed physical and mental health problems. To address this objective, we conducted a nationwide online survey assessing the physiological and mental health of students. There were 345 students, none of whom was tested positive for Covid-19, from Pakistan who filled the questionnaire and reported their mental and physiological health. Results revealed that the most recurrent complications among students during SARS-CoV-2pandemic were moderate to severe frequent headache (82.1.3), exasperation (78.3%), giddiness (79.4%), restlessness (70.5%), dulled memory (81.7%), these all impediments can be the aftermath of less physical activity (26.4%) jointly with excess phone/screen usage (93.5%). And (90.2%) of them were also found reluctant to get vaccinated. The survey reported that teenagers are at the highest risk of developing physiological and mental health problems that can have long-term adverse impacts.

Published Date: 2021-10-18; Received Date: 2021-06-19