Advances in Applied Science Research Open Access

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Design of 3,000,000tons/yr A-20 dry cell plant

N. B. Ekwe and D. F. Aloko

A design for the production 3,000,000ton/yr A-20 dry cell plant to help in alleviating the problem of power supply to portable electronic devices and offer employment opportunity to teeming unemployed youth in Nigeria was carried out. This is done to bringing the much needed revenue to local economies, providing jobs and improving the lives of people. Since job creation especially for youth, reducing poverty are criteria for macroeconomics success. A medium scale plant for the production of A-20 dry cell using paper lined system of 4wt% zinc and 8wt% NH4Cl was designed. The material and energy balance of the production were given. Results obtained revealed that the net profit (?¢????¦9.471 x 106) when compared with the total production cost (?¢????¦6.386 x 107) shows that the project is economically viable