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Diversity Indices of Rotifer from Dynaneshwar Water Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

Anant J Dhembare

In the present study tried to assess rotifer species’ Shannon-Weaver index, Simpson’s index, Index of Dominance, Index of Evenness and Species Richness of Dynaneshwar dam and predict the state of water according to rotifer and physico-chemical parameters. The indices were evaluated at individual species level and varied species to species. In the work 21 species of rotifer from two orders Ploimida and Gensiotrocha were observed. Out of 21 species recorded, 9 families belonged to Ploimida and 4 families to Gensiotrocha were encountered. It showed seasonal variations and the density was higher in summer [38%] > winter [35%] > rainy [27%]. Rotifer constitute the tendency in order such as Ploimida [54%] > Gensiotrocha [46%]. In the rotifers Ploimida is dominated.