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Effect of Different Dietary Levels of Dicalcium Phosphate on the Comositional/Nutritional Quality of Nili-ravi Buffalo Milk at Livestock Research andDevelopment Station Paharpur, Dera Ismail Khan.

Amjad Ali*, Shazeb Khan, Imran Khan, Israr- ud- din, Akhtar Ali, Abidullah, Saghir Imdad Hassan, Safiullah and waseemullah

A study was conducted to determine the Effect of Different Dietary Levels of DCP Supplementation on the Compositional/Nutritional Quality of Nili-Ravi Buffalo Milk at Livestock Research and Development Station Paharpur, Dera Ismail Khan. Fifteen lactating buffaloes were randomly divided into three groups, with 05 animals in each group fed diets containing 70, 100 and 120% NRC recommended Ca and P, respectively. Milk Samples were collected morning and were analyzed for total solids (TS), milk protein (MP), milk fat (MF), lactose. Milk Fat Percentage and TS Percentage was found higher in buffaloes fed on 120% Ca and P than those fed on 100% and 70% Ca and P of NRC recommendation but dry matter intake was similar among all groups. However, MP, lactose and solids not fat were not affected by DCP supplementation. It may be concluded that 120% Ca and P supplementation increased milk production and reproductive performance of lactating buffaloes

Published Date: 2021-11-20; Received Date: 2021-09-01