Rahimi Eskandar, Tahmouresi Khatoun and Hosseini Seed Ali
Chronic kidney disease is a significant general disease, which affects a large number of people around the world. If kidney function and glomerular filtration rate decline, the blood levels of cystatin C (Cys C) rises. Also studies showed that metabolic disorders are very common among recipient of a transplanted kidney (TK). The aim of this study was to determine the effects of eight weeks of aerobic exercises on Cys C and metabolic syndrome (Mets) in females with transplanted kidney. 20 females with transplanted kidney age of 24.3 ± 2.5 years participated. Subjects were divided into two equal groups. Prior and after study both groups underwent a blood test to check Cys C and metabolic syndrome. The experimental group conducted eight weeks of submaximal activities and 3 sessions each week. To analyze the data independent and dependent t-test were used. To validate if the data distribution is normal, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was utilized. The results show experimental group had decreased their TC (0.026), TG (0.002), FBS (0.026) and SBP (0.024) and increase of HDL (0.003), however there were no Differences between both groups for all aforementioned factors but for TG (0.031). Also there were no changes of Cys C (0.899), WC (0.896) and DBP (0.081). According to the results we can express eight weeks of aerobic training does not have a significant effect on Cys C while decreases Mets. So it can be concluded that aerobic exercise is useful for females with KT.