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Effects of Boldenone consumption and resistance exercise on hepatocyte morphologic damages in male wistar rats

Hasan Matinhomaee, Seyyed Javad Ziaolhagh, Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani and Maghsood Piri

The purpose of present study was to investigate, the effects of anabolic steroid Boldenone (BOL) with eight weeks of resistance training on Structural changes in rat liver. 28 Male adult wistar rats, 12 weeks old and 228/53±7/94 g initial body weight were randomly assigned to four groups: group1: Control+Placebo(C), group2: training+Placebo(T), group3: training+BOL 2mg/kg (BOL2), and group 4: training+BOL, 5mg/kg (BOL5). The resistance training protocol consisted three exercise sessions weekly by 5 reps/3 sets of climbing a ladder (The initial weight attached was 50% of their body weight and increased with 10% per week throughout the training period) for lasted 8 weeks. At the end of the experiment, for light microscopic study Slides were prepared. Sections stained of rat's livers showed no any cell degeneration and cytoplasmic lipid vacuoles in all groups but few samples were seen. Indeed, congested blood sinusoids and cell infiltration, were seen in both BOL-treated groups but with higher in BOL-treated with higher dosage (BOL5). Hepatotoxic effects were severe in group treatment received 5 mg/kg body weight and directly depended on the doses. The present results showed that BOL has a marked adverse effect on the liver tissue, even with low– dose and resistance training. As a result, athletes should not use to enhance muscle mass and strength.