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Effects of Furan Exposure on Endocrine Disruption and Reproduction of Sprague Dawley Rats - An F1 Extended One Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study

Sarwat jahan

Sprague Dawley F0 weaning rats (30/sex/group) were exposedto furan orally at 0, 5,10, 20 and 40 mg/kg/day for ten weeks(males), two weeks (females) and then mated. F0 females werecontinuously exposed through gestation and lactation of F1litters. Different parameters in F0 and F1 generation werestudied. Results of F0 indicated that the body weight gain decreasedduring prebreed and gestational period while increasedduring lactation periods. F0 animals prebreeding exposure resultedin head tilt and foot splay at higher doses. Reproductiveindices and gestational length of F0 animals were remainedunchanged. Number of live pups at birth were decreased at20 & 40 mgkg-1. Weaning pups were distributed into studygroups by sex. Survival of F l pups was reduced at 20 & 40mgkg-1 only for PND 0 through PND 4. At PND 70, hormonalconcentration and histological changes were determined inovaries and testis. In males, Testosterone and LH levels weredecreased while increase in estrogen level of females was seenin 20 or 40 mgkg-1 groups. Testicular and ovarian weight wasreduced in F1 offspring with decreased DSP and disturbedestrous cyclicity in higher doses groups. No histopathologicalchanges were observed in testis and ovaries but in higher dosesgroups, number of cystic follicles were increased in ovaries. Onthe basis of above results, it is suggested that furan exposure at20 or 40 mgkg-1 exhibit marked changes in extended one generationreproductive toxicity study in F0 (parental stage) and F1(offspring and pubertal stage) animals.