The novel drug delivery technology is applied in herbal medicine, it may help in increasing the efficacy and reducing the side effects of various herbal compounds and herbs.
This is the basic ideabehind incorporating novel method such as nanoparticles, micro emulsions, matrix systems, solid dispersions, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles etc to drug delivery of herbal medicines. Thus it is important to integrate novel drug delivery system and indian ayurvedic medicines to combat more serious diseases. For a long time, herbal medicines were not considered for development as novel formulations owing to lack of scientific justification and processing difficulties, such as standardization, extraction and identification of individual drug components in complex poly herbal systems.I have prepared the Tridax oro dispersible tablets for wound healing by using super disintegrants.
Published Date: 2021-11-26; Received Date: 2021-08-18