Quality in Primary Care Open Access

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Gender makes the difference: the influence of patients?¢???? gender on the delivery of preventive services in primary care in Poland

Mohammad Hassan Murad, Craig L Gjerde, James Bobula, Michael Ostrov, Mohammad Safwan Murad

Background Several studies suggest that the gender of patients and their healthcare providers affects overall patient satisfaction. Aims We sought to determine whether the gender of patients or providers was associated with the number of complaints filed by patients against providers. Methods In this case controlled study, complaints from a healthmaintenance organisation were analysed for gender disparity during a 12-month period. Results The odds ratio for patients’ female gender to be associated with complaints was 3.10 (95% confidence interval 1.73–5.55, P 0.001). Women were also more likely than men to cite providers’ behaviour as the cause of complaints.No significant associations were noted between the number of complaints and a complainant’s age, diagnosis of chronic pain or psychiatric illness, or with the provider’s gender, age or length of employment in the organisation. The heterogeneity of gender effect demonstrated in the literature suggests that this effect is likely to be unique to the different practice settings. Conclusion Evaluating the presence of this phenomenon in the different practice settings is recommended, to improve patient satisfaction and subsequently the quality of care.

Quality in Primary Care

Volume:17 Issue:5

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