European Journal of Experimental Biology Open Access

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In vitro propagation of Zingiber officinaleRosc

Higgins S1*, Rose K1, Wilson R1, Francis RD1, Watson CT1, Riley CK1

Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) has become more popular in recent years because of its low toxicity and its broad spectrum of biological and pharmacological applications.  These applications include antitumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiapototic, cytotoxic, antidiabetic, anti-proliferative and anti-platelet activities. Traditionally, ginger can be propagated by using the fingers of the ginger rhizomes however early in the crop, disease can cause severe losses. Ginger propagation is usually performed with rhizome which depends on the availability of good quality seed rhizome. Alternatively, tissue culture technology can be used for the propagation of ginger. Tissue culture ginger has been considered vital for germplasm conservation and the resuscitation of the ginger industry in Jamaica in response to the ginger rhizome rot disease. Research from trials (unpublished) performed at the Scientific Research Council (SRC), Jamaica, indicated that the yellow variety of the Jamaican ginger have a lower multiplication rate than the Jamaican blue variety. Micro propagation of the Jamaica yellow explants was done on three growth media types. Explants were cut to approximately 1cm in height and transferred to media (S, F, M ). The shoots developed in vitro were separated and subcultured on same medium for multiplication and rooting over a 6-week period. Growth parameters were evaluated during the course of the study. These included number of shoots, height of shoot and number of leaves. This study aims to investigate the performance of Jamaica’s yellow ginger variety on different nutrient media. Media M appears to be the most effective for the growth and multiplication of Jamaican yellow ginger variety when compared to Media S and F. However, there remains a need for further research in improving media M to obtain optimal growth of ginger explants in vitro