Clinical Psychiatry Open Access

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Job Stress and Job Satisfaction among Employees Working From Home

Pratiksha Nair* and Hemalata K

The Coronavirus changed the workplace for people across the globe in 2020. Little is known about the foreseeable future of what and how COVID-19 has affected and the future of the people who left the customary office space to work remotely. It is a well-known fact that remote or not, increased job satisfaction and decreased levels of job stress always benefit the employee, the employer, and the organization. In this research, we study how working from home affects Job satisfaction and Job stress for the employee. We study whether working from home helps enhances job satisfaction and whether working from home does reduce the levels of work stress. The results and analysis of this study give insightful data which can connect an ideal remote working model for white collar jobs.

Research on this study topic helps determine whether employers and employees benefit from remote work options. The study will collect data from 150 employees who have worked from home for at least a year and analyze their levels of satisfaction and stress with the job.

Most research indicates a positive correlation between remote working and job satisfaction. But most of this data is not compared or analyzed with job stress during work from home, and this study does precisely that. This study aims to find a negative correlation between job stress and Job satisfaction. Many Studies have outlined various variables such as enthusiasm, motivation, and organizational commitment as contributing factors to job satisfaction and stress in a remote work environment. The study will collect data from employees who have worked from home for at least a year and analyze their levels of satisfaction and stress with the job.

Published Date: 2023-04-03; Received Date: 2023-01-23