Margret Lepp, Jehad O Halabi, Sylvia Maèaètta
The purpose of this study was to apply the principles of phenomenography to describe Jordanian nurse faculty members’ experiences of participation in international exchange programmes (IEPs) with Sweden. Five faculty members from a large university in Jordan participated in focus group interviews. The findings highlighted the importance of careful planning before the exchange, of developing a programme, and of trying to implement the experiences gained on returning home. The findings suggest that IEPs should be well thought out, particularly in terms of selecting the right people and the right time for the exchange. Developing a programme at the host site, and clear goals, objectives, and activities that incorporate social and cultural events are also important. Participation in IEPs can enhance interest in and awareness of cultural and educational differences as well as similarities. However, sometimes it is difficult to implement experiences gained from the exchange when back at home. A plan for implementation should therefore be included in future programmes. In addition, further research is needed into the giver–receiver relationships inherent in IEPs, and how these relationships influence participants’ feelings about their exchange experience.