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Justifiability DiagnosticSurvey of MMPI-2RF in the way of scrupulosity Tribulation

Kambiz Kamkary, Sara Zolfaghari, Mahdi Davaei and Shohreh Shokrzadeh

In this study the ‘Justifiability DiagnosticSurvey of MMPI-2RF in the way of scrupulosity Tribulation’was considered and the main question was that if renewed questionaree of MMPI-2RF have Justifiability Diagnostic in scrupulosity Tribulation-obligity? Method of survey was psychometrics. Statistical society and pepoel who were engaged in scrupulosity Tribulation should have it’s remarks and refered to consultancy center or Therapeutic clinics and visited Psychologist or Psychiatris, so among five therapeutic centermiad, part 1 of legal razi hospital, part 2 of legal Razi hospital, Shafa center 2, 30 sample was selected. Applied tools was renewed MMPI- 2RFquestionarre which was valid and Justifiability.Statistical single T and independent T methods was used to compare normal and Scrupulous people. In Justifiability Diagnosticcoefficient of sensitivity, accuracy and precision were used. The results showed that the reconstructed form of Minnesota Multiphase Personality characteristics questionareehad discriminant validity, and there wassignificant difference between normal and Scrupulous people. significant difference was observed between two group only in the scale of introversion and social avoidance. Test have Justifiability Diagnostic and able to separate normal and Scrupulous people through thought Inadequacy, Irritant Ideas, Negative upsetter Emotion, stress and Mental Neurosis.