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Lipid profiles changes induced by swimming combined training in academic level athlete's women

Foruzan Zahedmanesh, Ardeshir Zafari and Farnaz Zahedmanesh

Sedentary lifestyles, obesity, diabetes and Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) have been considered as important factors in the start of the 3rd millennium. Increment of age & gender related risk factors such as lipids and lipoproteins disorder, diabetes and obesity accompanied by decrement of physical activity levels in sedentary females. Creating an active lifestyle with regular exercise training is the best prevention of lipids and lipoproteins disorder, obesity, diabetes, CAD and its risk factors. The results of previous study indicated that long-term exercise training has beneficial effects on serum concentration of TC, TG, LDL_C, and HDL_C. There was few study executed considering swimming combined training included aerobic and anaerobic swimming effects on these lipid profiles. Therefore, the purpose of this study was determined and compared of effects of 8 weeks swimming combined training on lipid profiles in academic level athlete's women. Whether, the 8 weeks swimming combined training included aerobic and anaerobic swimming have any effects on serum concentration of TC, TG, LDL_C, and HDL_C in academic level athlete's women? The purpose of this semi quasi study was determined and compared of the effects of swimming combined training included aerobic and anaerobic swimming on lipid profiles in academic level athlete's women. 20 subjects randomly selected from 30 volunteered healthy academic level athlete's women (20-25 years) based on physical activity rating questionnaire in Islamshahr branch of Islamic Azad University (Tehran, Iran). These subjects randomly divided in Exercise (n=10) and Control (n=10) groups. Training program was performed for 8 weeks, 2 days/week and 60 min/ days. Training program was started at 55% of Heart Rates Reserve (HRR) at the beginning and 85% of HRR at last weeks. Subjects eating habits and other daily physical activity in groups didn’t change. Fasting blood sample was taken for measuring serum concentration of TC, TG, LDL_C and HDL_C with ELISA method (Pars Azmoon kits, Iran) after 9 to 12 hours of fasting, 7-8 am, from left Antecubital vein at medical diagnosis laboratory. Lipid profiles means compared with two-tailed independent and paired samples t test between and within the exercise and control groups, respectively. Significant levels of all tests were P≤0.05. Mean differences of serum TC, TG, and LDL_C concentrations between groups in post tests, and mean differences of TC, TG and LDL_C in pre and post tests of exercise group were not significant. Mean differences of HDL_C between groups in post test and mean differences of HDL_C in pre and post tests of exercise group were significant (p ≤ 0.001**). Swimming combined training included aerobic and anaerobic swimming have beneficial effects on serum concentration of HDL_C in academic level athlete's women; but were not significant effects on TC, TG and LDL_C. Therefore, more studies need to be done to show the optimum levels of intensity, duration and type of swimming combined training for desirable effects on these lipid profiles levels.