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Mapping of weathering, erosion and morphogenetic zones of Namak lake basin of Iran by Peltier's graphs

Morteza Abtahi, Tayebeh Bakhshi and Behzad Kaviani

Peltier in his article published in 1950 by Association of American Geographers (AAG), seven models for the determination of chemical weathering, frost action, weathering regions, pluvial erosion, mass movement, wind action and morphogenetic regions based on mean annual temperature and mean annual Precipitation, is introduced. In order to we first selected synoptic weather stations with long-period data in the period 1956 to 2005 and then annual rain and temperature was calculated for each station. Using relationship between this parameters and elevation and a digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 30 meters, average precipitation and temperature maps of the basin were obtained in Arc-Map. Seven graphs based on temperature and precipitation was coordinated in global map and import to Arc-map. Zones observed in basin include: maximum and moderate in wind action, very slight and slight mechanical in weathering, weak in chemical weathering, absent and weak in frost action, minimum and moderate in mass movement, maximum, minimum and moderate in pluvial erosion and arid, semiarid, savanna and boreal in morphogenetic regions.