British Journal of Research Open Access

  • ISSN: 2394-3718
  • Journal h-index: 10
  • Journal CiteScore: 0.40
  • Journal Impact Factor: 0.51
  • Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days)
  • Average article processing time (30-45 days) Less than 5 volumes 30 days
    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
    10 and more volumes 45 days
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Market Analysis of Digestive Disease

Wei Ling Huang

Introduction: Digestive disease conference covers subject relating and to reducing any health problem that occurs in the digestive tract. Conditions may range from mild to serious Intestinal problems, such as polyps and cancer, infections, celiac disease, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, malabsorption, short bowel syndrome, and intestinal ischemia these are the some of the streams covered in the conference. Scope and importance: The main aim of this program will feature local and national speakers with expertise in endoscopy and gastroenterology topics will be covered to educate the broader gastroenterology community and referring physicians regarding management of inflammatory bowel disease in pregnancy, hepatitis B, microscopic colitis, dietary modifications in functional GI disorders, role of cholangioscopy in complex biliary disorders, patient selection for the LINX procedure for GERD, resection of colonic polyps and management of post polypectomy complications.