British Journal of Research Open Access

  • ISSN: 2394-3718
  • Journal h-index: 10
  • Journal CiteScore: 0.40
  • Journal Impact Factor: 0.51
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    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
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My attempt in Prosthetic management of Rotationplasty

Lukeshkumar R. Bhuyar, A.G. Indalkar Deptt. of Prosthetics & Orthotics, All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mumbai.

Osteogenic Sarcoma of proximal or distal shaft of femur is a debilitating condition. To treat such patient, limb salvage is the most appropriate option which in turn helps to save the life of patient. In 1930 Borggreve from Germany was the first to describe this procedure. In 1950 Van Ness first used this technique to treat patient with proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD).