Sudeep CB, Peter Simon Sequeira and Jithesh Jain
Objective: Oral diseases seriously impair quality of life in a large number of individuals and they may affect various aspects of life. In turn, oral disease pattern is dependent on various socioeconomic characteristics of the children and parents. Behaviour and attitudes of children are formed and developed from social, cultural, economic and ethnic factors throughout their lives. This process is also influenced by their knowledge of health and prevention of disease, including oral diseases. The absence of family support might also influence oral health behaviour. Thus, in the light of the above situation, this study is an attempt to assess the oral health related quality of life among 12-15 year old children residing in orphanages.
Materials and methods: A crosssectional study was carried out among 252 subjects residing in orphanages in Kozhikode district. The child - OIDP Index was used to evaluate the OHRQoL. Information regarding the demographic factors, and oral hygiene practices were obtained by interview method using a structured questionnaire along with this oral examination was performed and data were collected on dentition status and dentofacial anomalies.
Results: The prevalence of the impacts of oral health on daily activities increases proportionate with the reduction in intensity, 97 subjects suffered from moderate impacts, 136 from small and 139 very small impacts. The average final scores for the subjects included in the study is 49.76.
Conclusion: The elevated score for the Child-OIDP obtained in this study is in accordance with the reduced oral health status of the subjects.