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Regular practice of relaxation in reducing anxiety in mentally retarded children?¢???? mothers with different demographic characteristics

Gholamreza Golmohammadnajad Bahrami and Rogayeh Mohammadi Bonab

This research is a pseudo-test study with two disassimiliated groups following pre and posttests which are designed to review the remedial effects of simple and shorted relaxation for reducing the symptoms of mothers with anxiety and brain-retarded children with different demographical specifications. The research sample including 48 mothers with one brain-retarded child was selected? Then, 23 ones of mothers who were able to participate continuously in the relaxation or meditation classes were also selected as experimental groups and 23 of mothers through assimilation with experimental group were taken up due to some factors of anxiety, education level, literary, intensity of the child brain-retardation of observational group. The relaxation group exercises were carried out for two months as three days a week in the experimental group, and the related data was obtained by demographical questionnaires and anxiety pre-posttests in both groups. The data was analyzed by covariance analysis. The results indicated that the continuous relaxation exercises was effective to reduce mothers anxiety and this reduction for mothers with one brain-retarded child is different in all aspects of educational, literacy, economical, age factors equally? But the reduction of anxiety in mothers of city areas is more than rural districts. (F1, 43= 6.8, p<0.05). Generally, this research showed that the designed relaxation technique can be used to reduce the anxiety of mother’s efficiency.