Amal S. Mohamed*, Mohamed A. El- Desoky and Nahed S. Gad
The current investigation aimed to determine the accumulated levels of heavy metals (Fe, Mn and Cu) in fish (T. zilii and M. capito) organs (muscles, liver and gill) collected from different sites of Lake Qarun in four seasons (August 2014 to May 2015). Metal concentrations in fish species tissues from the eastern part of the lake followed an abundance of: Fe>Mn>Cu. However, metal concentrations from the middle and west of the lake followed an abundance of: Fe>Cu>Mn. Tissues showed different capacities for accumulating heavy metals, the lowest values of accumulated heavy metals were recorded in the muscle, while the highest values recorded in the liver in two fish species. Also, heavy metals accumulation in the tissue of two fish species followed the order: liver< gill < muscle. M. capito accumulate heavy metals higher than T. zilli.