Journal of Drug Abuse Open Access

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?Sisa?: The Spread of Cheap Methamphetamine

Declan Crilly*, Priyesh Patel and Paula Luque Fernandez

Aim: Explanation and exploration of the illicit drug use situation in Athens, Greece.

Design: Short Report.

Setting: The financial crisis in Greece lead to a new drug, called “Sisa” rising as the main drug abuse in those affected the by the economic hardships of the time. This drug causes serious medical, psychological and economic effects.

Intervention: Investigation into the drug effects in the homeless population in Athens, Greece whilst working there with Medical Volunteers International e.V.

Findings: This synthetic drug, made from crystal methamphetamine mixed with battery acid, engine oil, shampoo, salt or other additives, leads serious physical and psychological effects that are difficult to manage in a population that is largely living on the streets and outside the safety of the healthcare system, meaning they persist and deteriorate. There is a risk that use of this cheap street drug will spread from Greece, given its use in the immigrant population, and given the economic downturn currently felt throughout Europe.

Conclusion: Tackling this problem will require investigation into its scale, as well as a multi-faceted management approach undertaken by European drug addiction monitoring organizations.

Published Date: 2022-12-28; Received Date: 2022-11-30