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Socio Demographic and Maternal Determinants of Low Birth Weight at Mekelle Hospital, Northern Ethiopia: A Cross Sectional Study

Gessessew Bugssa, Balem Dimtsu and Mussie Alemayehu

The objective of the study was to assess the determinant factors of low birth weight among newborns delivered at Mekelle Hospital, northern Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was employed and cards of 180 mothers who gave birth to low birth weight babies were assessed. Data was collected using pre prepared structured checklist and analyzed using SPSS version 16.00. The association between dependent and independent variables was assessed and presented using descriptive statistics, student t-test, and ANOVA test. Out of the180 mothers, 45% of them fall into the age category of 15-19 years. The study finding showed maternal age, fetal sex, parity, number of antenatal care, gestational age, birth order, and history of abortion had significant association with low birth weight (P-value < 0.05). This study depicted that low birth weight is a public health problem in the study area. Hence, attention should be given to increase community awareness of antenatal care service, access to family planning and male involvement, prevention of abortion, and community mobilization to prevent early pregnancy.