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Studies on cell elongation in GA3 and TIBA treated Cucumis sutivus (cucumber) seedlings

Barai Nilaxi J., Dasani Sonal H. and Thaker Vrinda S.

In the present study, Cucumis sutivus (cucumber) seedlings were treated with GA3 and TIBA. The seedlings were harvested at regular time interval and analyzed for root length, its fresh and dry weights, cell wall loosening enzymes like a and b- galactosidases and b- glucosidases in cytoplasmic as well as wall-bound fractions of GA3 and TIBA treated seedlings with reference to control (DW). Additionally, cell wall components like low and high molecular weight xyloglucans and esterified and non-esterified pectic substances were also estimated at various developmental stages. For extraction of non-esterified pectic polysaccharide fraction, EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid) was used as chelating agent. Depectinated residues were used for extraction of low and high molecular weight xyloglucans by alkali treatment. It was observed that TIBA has strongly inhibited growth of roots, synthesis of cell wall components and enzymes activities. In contrast, GA3 has increased the content of cell wall components and enzymes activities, however, no influence on length was recorded. Role(s) of these enzymes and cell wall polysaccharides in treated and untreated roots is discussed.