Clinical Psychiatry Open Access

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Teacher's Emotional Exhaustion: Self-Endangering Work Behavior as Novel Concept and Explanatory Mechanism

Sophie Baeriswyl, Andreas Krause, and Maida Mustafic

In a recently published article, Baeriswyl, Bratolic, and Krause introduced prolonging working hours as a coping behavior used by teachers, and using self-reported questionnaire-based data from 560 teachers in Switzerland, they demonstrated that it is related to emotional exhaustion-the core component of burnout. This Short Communication summarizes the most important findings from this focal article, embeds prolonging working hours into the concept of Self- Endangering Work Behavior (SEWB), and introduces the latest deliberations on SEWB. It outlines possibilities of measuring SEWB that may serve as a starting point for targeted activities in workplace health promotion in both schools and other occupational settings.