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The Breast Milk�?¢�?�?��?�?�s Hsa-miR-195-5p is a potential Biomarker for the protection against Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1

Linda Mouafo Mekue, Céline Nguefeu Nkenfou, Lorena Zentilin, Jules-roger Kuiaté, Mauro Giacca and Alexis Ndjolo

Background: Some factors have been described to impact mother-to-child transmission of HIV. It is known that it is a c�?�?��?½mb�?�?��?n�?�??�?�??ti�?�?��?½n of factors that can explain transmission or �?�?��?�?�r�?�?��?½�?�?��?š�?�??�?žcti�?�?��?½n�?�?�? Other factors such as miRNA can be used as a marker for understanding and �?�?��?�?�r�?�??�?ž�?�??�?š�?�?��?ctin�?�?��? the �?�?��?�?��?�??�?�??�?�?��?©�?�??�?žrn of many diseases. The aim of this study was to look at host or viral miRNA that can be used as a marker to predict the transmission or �?�?��?�?�r�?�??�?ž�?�?��?�?��?�??�?žnti�?�?��?½n of the HIV-1 from mother-tochild. Methods and �?�??�?®n�?�??�?š�?�?��?n�?�?��?�?�?��?�?�?�?? The breast milk and plasma samples of 13 �?�?��?šr�?�??�?�??n�?�?��?m�?�?��?�?�?��?©�?�??�?žr�?�?��?�?�?�?� 56 n�?�?��?½n�?�?²�?�?��?šr�?�??�?�??n�?�?��?m�?�?��?�?�?��?©�?�??�?žr�?�?��? and 15 HIV non-infected mothers were collected. The �?�??�?š�?�?��?�?�??�?«�?�??�?žr�?�??�?žnti�?�??�?�??�?�?��?¯ expression levels of seven human miRNAs (HsamiR-29a-3p, Hsa-miR-29b, Hsa-miR-28-3p, HsamiR-125a-5p, Hsa-miR-149-3p, Hsa-miR-195-5p, HsamiR-191-5p) and one viral miRNA (HIV-miR-N367) were analyzed by miRNA r�?�??�?ž�?�??�?�??�?�?��?¯�?�?²tim�?�??�?ž PCR. Breast milk’s HsamiR-195-5p (p=0.009) and Hsa-miR-191-5p (p=0.003) were upregulated in the n�?�?��?½n�?�?²�?�?��?šr�?�??�?�??n�?�?��?m�?�?��?�?�?��?©�?�??�?žr mothers. Plasma Hsa-miR-28-3p (p=0.04) was upregulated in n�?�?��?½n�?�?² �?�?��?šr�?�??�?�??n�?�?��?m�?�?��?�?�?��?©�?�??�?žr mothers as well. The Hsa-miR-195-5p n�?�??�?ž�?�?��?�?�??�?�??ti�?�?��?�?��?�??�?ž�?�?��?¯y correlate with the CD4+ count lower than 300 (r=-0.91, p=0.005) and was �?�?��?�?�??�?š�?�??�?žnti�?�??�?®�?�??�?ž�?�??�?š as a miRNA having the �?�?��?�?��?�?��?½�?�?��?š�?�??�?žnti�?�??�?�??�?�?��?¯ to �?�??�?š�?�?��?�?�?��?tin�?�?��?�?�?��?µ�?�?��?�?�?��?�?�?��?š between �?�?��?šr�?�??�?�??n�?�?��?m�?�?��?�?�?��?©�?�??�?žr and n�?�?��?½n�?�?² �?�?��?šr�?�??�?�??n�?�?��?m�?�?��?�?�?��?©�?�??�?žr mothers. Conclusion: This study has shown for the �?�??�?®r�?�?��?�?�?��?š tim�?�??�?ž the �?�?��?m�?�?��?�?��?�?��?¯�?�?��?c�?�??�?�??ti�?�?��?½n of breast milk’s Hsa-miR-195-5p in �?�?��?�?�r�?�?��?½�?�?��?š�?�??�?žctin�?�?��? newborns from acquiring HIV �?�?��?n�?�??�?¨�?�??�?žcti�?�?��?½n�?�?�? This miRNAs will be further evaluated in a larger �?�?��?�?��?�?��?½�?�?��?�?��?�?��?µ�?�?��?¯�?�??�?�??ti�?�?��?½n of �?�?��?šr�?�??�?�??n�?�?��?m�?�?��?�?�?��?©�?�??�?žr�?�?��? and n�?�?��?½n�?�?²�?�?��?šr�?�??�?�??n�?�?��?m�?�?��?�?�?��?©�?�??�?žr�?�?��? in order to set a c�?�?��?µ�?�?��?š�?�?��?½�?�??�?« for clinical �?�??�?žx�?�?��?�?��?�?��?¯�?�?��?½�?�?��?�?�?��?š�?�??�?�??ti�?�?��?½n�?�?�? ^�?�?��?�?�?��?n�?�?��?�?�??�?®c�?�??�?�??nc�?�??�?ž of the study: Expression of Hsa-miR-195-5p in the breast milk’s could be used as a biomarker to predict the outcome of Mother-to-child transmission of HIV.