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The effects of swimming combined training on body composition in academic level athletes women

Farnaz Zahedmanesh, Ardeshir Zafari and Foruzan Zahedmanesh

The World Health Organization, at the beginning of the third millennium, was warned the obesity epidemic in the world. Exercise training and physical activity decreased body mass, body fat and obesity rate in females, but the influences of different types of swimming and combination of them on body composition factors has rarely been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks swimming combined training included aerobic and anaerobic swimming on body composition factors in academic level athlete's women. 20 subjects randomly selected from 30 volunteered healthy academic level athlete's women (20-25 years) based on American College of Sports Medicine and Physical Activity Rating Questionnaire in Islamshahr branch of Islamic Azad University (Tehran, Iran). This subjects randomly divided in Training (n= 10) and Control groups (n= 10). Subjects in training group were swimming for 8 weeks, 2 sessions in week, and 60 minute in sessions with 55-85 percent of Heart Rates Reserve (HRR). Combination training program include aerobic and anaerobic swimming was performed based on progressive overload training principal. Body composition factors have been measured before and after 8 weeks training program. Body fat percent was calculated by Jackson and Polack skin folds equation (three point methods included; chest, abdomen and thigh skin folds) by used Harpenden Caliper. Body mass index was calculated by Quetelet index. Data compared with two tailed paired and independent sample t test (p≤0.05). The results showed that levels of body mass, body mass index and body fat percent significantly decreased after 8 weeks training (p≤ 0.05). These results indicated that moderate-to-High intensity combined training included aerobic and anaerobic swimming have positive effect on some body composition factors in academic level athlete's women.