Irena Papadopoulos, Margaret Lay
Gypsy Travellers suffer high levels of racism, socioeconomic deprivation, unemployment and illiteracy, the poorest life expectancy in Europe and poor access to health promotion. Astudy of the health promotion experiences, needs and preferences of Gypsy Travellers in Wales was undertaken obtaining data from five focus groups formed from a convenience sample of 18 Gypsy Travellers living on authorised caravan sites in Wales. Findings indicate that these Gypsy Travellers see improvement in socioeconomic conditions as a primary need.Womenwere more open to health promotion activities, and some wished to engage in their design and delivery.Participants preferred health promotion provided locally. Culturally competent health promotion practitioners who can be flexible and willing to work on Gypsy Travellers’ terms are needed, as are changes in health and social policy to improve their socioeconomic conditions and reduce health inequalities.