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The impact of coaches self efficacy on relationship between the coach - athlete in sports leagues of Iran

Behzad Soheili, Farshad Tojari and Abdolreza Amirtash

Two key in elements the context of sport, including coaches and athletes. Effective and successful relationships between coaches and athletes is not an easy job, but is a speculative activity and specially requires interpersonal skills and training and thinking of coaches. In athletics, coaching requires the best ability of training and proper operation of high demand and this is directly related to mental fitness, or better to say top self efficacy of coaches. Infact the purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of coaches self efficacy on the relationship between the coaches - athlete in sports leagues of Iran. Statistical population of the survey includes 121 male coaches and 721 male athletes of the sports leagues and 92 coaches and 256 athletes were considered sample of research. The survey Measuring scale includes Measuring scale of the relationship between the coach - athlete and a Measuring scale with 24 items of coaches self efficacy that has good validity and credibility. Finally, structural equation modeling with Lisrel software was used. The output of the software represents the best fit of the model and showed the effect of coaches self efficacy on relationship between coach - athlete is significant.