Clinical Psychiatry Open Access

  • ISSN: 2471-9854
  • Journal h-index: 10
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    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
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The Missing Drug for Neuropsychiatric Patients: Radical Compassion

Terri Nicole Sawyer

Radical compassion is the state of mind that propels a human to not only have empathy for someone else, but to have a change deep within oneself to bring forth a mighty force for good for the other person. While empathy (considered a step towards radical compassion) has taken the world by storm and everyone from life coaches to the psychiatrists in the helping profession have reported they understand and sometimes try emulate empathy, the ideas of radical compassion towards a patient or a client seems to be unattainable for most practitioners. Warnings about radical compassion have been spoken and the ideas of how burnout can effect those with radical compassion seem to be shared by some helping professions. What if radical compassion could be the missing drug for neuropsychiatric patients? What if the intense emotion of radical compassion from people who prescribe or recommend medication has a true effect on the progress that neuropsychiatric patients experience because the patient feels understood, validated, and connected to the practitioner? Is radical compassion sustainable for practitioners? What are the prices to be paid?