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The Pattern of Skin Diseases in Patients Attending OPD: A Study in Dhaka Birdem General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

M Moniruzzaman Khan, Kamrul Ahsan Islam, and Tasnim Mahjabeen

Skin diseases differ in different countries, and within various regions of a country depending on social, economic, racial and environmental factors. Many patients have reported various patterns of skin diseases in different countries. We have conducted this study during the period from January 2018 to December 2018 in the dept. of Skin Dermatology and Venereology, Birdem General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the pattern of skin diseases in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. In addition, we wanted to collect more information regarding skin diseases in this region. This was a crosssectional study and was conducted in the outpatient department of Birdem General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh” during the period from January 2018 to December 2018. In our study period, total 2, 62,870 patients visited OPD. Among them 26,980 patients visited OPD for skin disorders/diseases. All the patients at any age and sex who were attended in the OPD of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the hospital were selected as study population. In this study, we found among 26,980 participants, 56% was suffering from some infectious and 44% from some non-infectious skin diseases. Among the patients with infectious skin diseases it was found parasitic, fungal and bacterial infection were about 33%, 28%, and 20% respectively. On the other hand in non-infectious group about 38% patients suffer from eczema or dermatitis only. So to do something betterment for the patients with skin diseases one should pay more attention to those four (4) skin diseases and/disorders at first. The diagnosis was made on clinical basis by expert dermatologists. Lab investigations were restricted to the cases where they carried diagnostic importance. In this study we found 56% patients of our study were suffering from infectious diseases. Among that 33.21% had parasitic infection which was the highest ratio. Besides this 28.28% had fungal, 20.06 had bacterial, 9.56% had viral, 4.72% had STI, and (4.16%) had other infections. On the other hand we found 44% patients had several types of non-infectious diseases and disorders. The highest number of patients with non-infectious diseases was suffering from eczema or dermatitis. This number was 1681 (37.79%). In rest of the patients 17.87% had the papulosquamous disease, 14.25% had acne, 14.01% had urticaria, 3.15% had drug reaction, 8.70% had vitiligo and rest 4.22% patients had some other non-infectious skin diseases.