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The relationship between goal orientation, perceived motivational climate, and sportspersonship orientation

Bahram Yousefi, Farid Bahrami, Asghar Kianzadeh, Farshad Emami, Seyedhadi Naghibi, Hasan Abdi

The purpose of the present research was to examine the relationship between goal orientation, perceived motivational climate, and sportspersonship. The participants were 366 male athletes (17.51 ± 2.47 years old) and completed TEOSQ, PMCQ, and MSOS questionnaires. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient suggested that task orientation and task involved motivational climate are positively associated with certain measures of sportspersonship (respect for the rules, respect for opponents, and respect for social conventions). However, the results of regression analysis showed that only perceived motivational climate is a predictor of respect for the rules, respect for opponents, and respect for social conventions. Based on the findings of the present research, it can be concluded that athletes are more likely to display moral behaviors and to observe sportspersonship in a taskoriented motivational climate.