American Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery Open Access

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Toxicological & Liver Function Assay Study of Poly-Herbal Drugs on Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Praful P. Patel, Naitik D. Trivedi and Upama N. Trivedi

Objective: The aim of the current investigation is to evaluate or discover the right combination with less or no side effect to treat the inflammatory bowel disease.

Method: Male Sprague Dawley (S.D) rats (250gm) was randomly allocated to 17 groups (n=6): Group I received water throughout the 18 day study period, groups II and III only were received 0.1 mL 3% N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and 0.1mL of 1% methyl cellulose intracolonically at 11 days of the study, respectively. Group-IV to XVII were received selected drug and drug combination throughout 18 days as well as at 11th day also receive 0.1mL 3% Nethylmaleimide (prepared in 1% methylcellulose). The histopathological features of NEM model control animal included surface epithelial damage, mucosal crypt drop out, edema, desquamated areas and diffuse inflammatory cell infiltration in the mucosa.

Result: Pretreatments of selected drug/s significantly attenuated the extent and severity of the histological signs of cell damage also produce a good effect on serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), ALP, LDH, total bilirubin (TB) and direct bilirubin (DB) in the liver function assay.

Conclusion: The drug combination therapy gives better effects than the single drug, but the liver histopathology and serum enzyme level studies shows multiple drug/s combination produce at some extent liver damaging effects.