Journal of Animal Sciences and Livestock Production Open Access

  • ISSN: 2577-0594
  • Journal h-index: 8
  • Journal CiteScore: 0.79
  • Journal Impact Factor: 1.57
  • Average acceptance to publication time (5-7 days)
  • Average article processing time (30-45 days) Less than 5 volumes 30 days
    8 - 9 volumes 40 days
    10 and more volumes 45 days
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Articles published in Journal of Animal Sciences and Livestock Production have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Animal Sciences and Livestock Production has got h-index 8, which means every article in Journal of Animal Sciences and Livestock Production has got 8 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Animal Sciences and Livestock Production.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Total published articles

37 41 34 50 29 9 5 10

Research, Review articles and Editorials

29 23 31 18 6 3 0 1

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

3 17 0 20 6 6 5 9

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

26 19 30 50 26 18 11 2
Journal total citations count 180
Journal impact factor 1.57
Journal 5 years impact factor 0.79
Journal cite score 0.79
Journal h-index 8
Important citations

Seroprevalence of Newcastle Disease Virus in Local Chickens in Njombe and Bahi Districs in Tanzania

Assessment of biosecurity measures against Newcastle disease in commercial poultry farms in Benue state, Nigeria

Prevalence of Newcastle disease virus in feces of free-range turkeys in Enugu, Nigeria

Causes and percentage of commercial poultry mortality in ElFashir Locality North Darfur State, Sudan

Clinical Observation on Three Nigerian Breeds of Sheep Experimentally Infected with Trypanosoma Vivax.

Ovine mammary morphology and associations with milk production, milkability and animal selection

Ovine mammary morphology and associations with milk production, milkability and animal selection

Pathohistological changes in the intestine, lungs and liver of sheep with spontaneous strongyloidiasis

Prevalence and Analysis of Risk Factors for Gastrointestinal Parasites in Beef Cattle Herds in Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province, Thailand

Morphological changes in sheep organs caused by Bunostomum trigonocephalum infestation

The prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep (Ovis aries) in the central and south-eastern regions of Ukraine


Comparison of two evaluation methods for feet and leg conformation traits at 100 days of age in replacement gilts

Influência de fatores não-genéticos na habilidade materna de ovelhas Santa Inês

Avanços no melhoramento genético de ovinos da raça Santa Inês

Genetic Parameters Estimation of Prolificacy Traits under the FecB Introgression Pressure in Afshari Sheep Breed

Estimation of co-variance components, genetic parameters, and genetic trends of reproductive traits in community-based breeding program of Bonga sheep in …

Influence of non-genetic factors on the maternal ability of Santa Inês ewes

Estimates of genetic parameters and trends for reproduction traits in Bonga sheep, Ethiopia

Estimation of genetic parameters and genetic trend of litter size in under selection flock of Afshari sheep.