Journal of Prevention and Infection Control Open Access

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2020 Conference Announcement - (2019) Volume 5, Issue 2

2020 Conference Announcement of 10th Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine & Public Health

Alzira Parolo

Speech Therapist, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, E-mail:

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Preventive medicine is a medical specialty approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) (Opens in a new window), which focuses on the health of individuals and communities. The goal of preventive medicine is to improve health for well-being and prevent disease, disability and death.

Preventive medicine and public health specialists are authorized Medical Doctors who possess proficiency in a wide range of health care skills that involves biostatistics, epidemiology, planning and evaluation of health care services, of health care organizations research management and the practice of prevention in clinical settings. They employ their intelligence and skills in medicine, economic, and behavioural sciences to improve the health and quality of life of individuals, families, communities and populations through disease prevention and health promotion.

Preventive medicine has three sub-specialty areas: public health and general preventive medicine, aerospace medicine, and occupational medicine.

Public health and general preventive medicine mainly concentrates on promoting health and preventing disease in individuals and communities. Practitioners combine skills and experience in clinical care and public health to support for improvement of health systems transformation and build a healthcare system that is on the basis of prevention of disease, injury and death. Medical experts works for corporations, in primary care, public health departments, government agencies and health outcomes at the individual, practice, community and population levels.

The Preventive medicine targets the non-existence of disease, either by precluding the occurrence of a disease or by faltering a disease and averting resulting complications after its onset. Preventive medicine can be applied by governmental agencies, primary care physicians and the individual himself in the society.

In the past, many diseases have been acquired by doing things for the individual. The current challenge of preventive medicine is to motivate the individual to practise his own prevention. Possible means of reaching this motivation are outlined and many require the active participation of the primary care physician.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists that the five leading causes of death in the US as heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, and unintentional injuries. This makes preventive medicine much more important in avoiding premature death.

Practicing preventive medicine can also reduce costs, as 75 per cent of annual health spending goes toward chronic and largely preventable diseases in the US, according to the CDC. Preventive medicine also fights with the productivity drain associated with chronic illness.

The Facts and Facets of Preventive Medicine Conference 2020 and the most recent research are going to be illustrated by Alzira Parolo, Speech Therapist - Specialist in Orofacial Motricity, “11th edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine and Public health” scheduled for June 15-16, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain. With the help of our esteemed Organizing Committee Members this conference is expected to be one of the most successful and productive events in the history of ME Conferences.

We invite you to join us to witness invaluable scientific discussions and add to the prospect’s future advancements in the upcoming “11th Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine and Public Health” which is scheduled on June 15-16, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.

Contact Details:

Olivia John
