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Research Article - (2014) Volume 4, Issue 3

A Comparison between the Participation Motivation of Collegiate Boys and Girls of Islamic Azad University of Urmia in Public Sports

Aydin Hajibakloo1 and Majid Soleimani2

1Departmentof Physical Education, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Campus, Hamedan, Iran

2Department of Physical Education, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran

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Public sports include being engaged in a set of simple, low-cost, non-official, fun and refreshing sport activities which within the chance and possibility of it is available for everybody. The aim of participating in public sports is gaining well-being in all aspects, and motivation is an important factor for reaching this aim. Based on this, recognizing the aims and motivations of participating in public sports have been the center of attention of researchers and experts. This research was also conducted with the aim of studying the participation motivations in public sports among the collegiate boys and girls in Azad University of Urmia. The research methodology is descriptive-survey and the sample size through the use of Morgan table is 400 individuals. The sampling method is simple random sampling, and the data collection tools are researcher’s questionnaire which its validity has been approved by the experts and its reliability is 0.88 by the use of Cronbach’s Alpha. The Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test, ttest and U-Mann-Whitney test have been used for analyzing the data. The results showed that the motivation f participation in public sports among the collegiate boys and girls do not have any differences. No significant difference was observed between the motivation for social interaction, motivation for enjoyment and happiness, motivation for gaining health and fitness, improvement in employment and family relations, and prevention and treatment of diseases of the collegiate boys and girls. Also the motivation for gaining heath, and fitness and also prevention and treatment of diseases were prioritized as the participation motivations. Also at the end of the article some applicable and research suggestions are provided.


Public Sports, Motivation, Social Interaction, Gaining Health, Enjoyment and Happiness.


The issue of spending leisure time, and the possible consequences resulted from the challenge between the current situation and the desired situation explains a new lifestyle method in the today’s humans’ lives. The phenomenon of method of spending leisure time in the framework of a leisure civilization or a leisure community has become important. The leisure time with its all cultural, social, political and economic aspects is an effective time spent in different times and spaces by all types of social groups and people in the society in different ways. While, tendency toward public sports is considered as a modern society phenomenon and it is always demanded by the citizens [3. Public sports is a type of physical activities or regular attendance in physical activities which improves the individuals’ physical and mental health, forms the social interactions or results in positive outcomes. In a book named Recreation Management it has been said that: “Totally the recreational sport is predicated to indoor sports, recreational programs, and physical activities in natural environment and recreational activities or fitness programs.” [5]. Recognizing the goals and motivations of participation in public sports has always been at the center of attention of researchers and practitioners. A research in University of Hamburg, Germany showed that the tendency of men and women toward the fitness programs has increased in comparison to the other sport fields. From the Larsen’s perspective (2002) also the tendency of the Danish toward the public sports is more than the tendency for athletics or even watching tournaments. Based on the report of UK Sport Council, during the last 25 years the process of participating in certain and championship sports have changed and the tendency toward participating in less competitive activities with recreational nature has increased.

In the current era, sport manifested its position and role as a multi-dimensional tool with extensive effects in economics, health, spending leisure time, enjoyment and happiness, education especially for teenagers and youth, creating social interactions among people, preventing diseases, preventing social corruption and other different usages.

The sports expert, Pierre Seurin believes that soon the public sports will result in the alteration of perceptions and adjusting the social behaviors, and the two-way interaction between thought and the practical implementation makes it fruitful and thus it affects the promotion and release of sports in a way that among all kinds of sports the public sports becomes the biggest one and maybe this matter results in the modification of other types of sports.

Public sports is an equal word for the English words of “Sport for all” or “General sport”. It is often predicated to sport activities which are fun and they do not pay attention to the result or winning-losing. In some resources the word “Large Contribution” is considered as the word equivalent for public sports [3]. If we consider the participation in public sports for gaining well-being in all of the aspects, we can name the motivation as an important factor for reaching this goal. For example, Mark Anshel (1999) defined the motivation as a factor for choosing and addressing the behavior and stability till reaching the goal. The amount of efforts and activities of each athlete in the path of success depends on the one’s motivation. Humans are not only different from the point of ability to do activities but also in tendency toward offering activity or motivation. Studying motivation is an effort for recognizing the causes of behaviors. Recognizing the needs in athletes and stimulating them with reliance on these needs and unlocking their talents and producing results from their own efforts and group of athletes, require coaches to recognize the psychological problems, along with awareness of motivation theories and using them [1]. Pursuing the process of activities shows that participation in sports and physical activities had decreased in the cities. This tangible decrease which has clear reasons such as expansion of urban life shows that the public sport which is one of the requirements of healthy physical activity is flowing in low levels. One of the important indicators of this decrease is obvious in surveying the community health. According to the published statistics of Ministry of Health in 2000, more than 41% of death causes were due to 5 diseases and three of them were caused by lack of exercise, more than 17% of death causes were due to different types of heart diseases.

Theoretical model researchers emphasized on the effect of family economic status, social status of university students, and demographic status of the university students and they brought university students’ cultural contexts, sport facilities and equipment and awareness for increasing their interests. Totally, 5 variables had the most amount of effect on the university students’ interests for sports. 1: Awareness of the mental effect of sport 2: Awareness of physical effect of sport 3: Access to the sport facilities outside the university 4: Respondent gender 5: Adequacy or inadequacy of the sport facilities.

Creating motivation in different groups of people for doing sport activities needs extensive facilities, and if this interest takes form in the society most of the social abnormalities will be disappeared, and addiction and social corruption will decrease. Also the future generations will be mentally and physically in higher levels, and the ability to deal with social problems and enduring difficulties will increase. Thus according to the stated contents this research tries to find the answer to this question that is there any difference between the motivation of collegiate boys and girls of Islamic Azad University of Urmia in performing public sports or not?

Materials and Methods

The current research is a descriptive-survey one. Firstly by the use of the library method the theoretical framework of research is edited by the use of already conducted studies and the available theories in sociology and other schools of thought, and then from evaluation of researches and theories related to the concept and recognition of the current situation of the society the research indicators and variables are edited and ultimately, by the use of item making the research questionnaire is provided. From the point of aim, this research is considered as an applied research. The current research population includes all of the collegiate boys and girls currently studying at Islamic Azad University of Urmia in 2012-2013 semesters. The number of them is 12420 individuals. According to the estimation-sample table, the amount of sample was maximum number of 384 individuals, and in order to increase the accuracy and reduce the allowable error, the number was increased to 400 individuals. The data collection tool in this research was the questionnaire created by the researcher. This questionnaire was created by the use of information obtained from previous researches and also the available theoretical basics related to the research and the questionnaire was handed to the respondents. This questionnaire consists of 44 questions, and the respondent respond to the questions in a 5-item range of Likert from completely agree to completely disagree. The scoring method is in a way that in positive questions the completely agree item has (5) scores and other items have respectively up to (1) score and in negative questions this process is vice versa. The total scores indicate the amount of university students’ motivation for public sports. Ultimately this amount is classified in three groups of high motivation, average motivation, and low motivation. The current research content validity was approved by the initial distribution of questionnaires among 15 experts in physical education and applying correctional comments. Also in order to calculate the questionnaire reliability firstly 30 questionnaires were distributed among the population in a preliminary test and they were collected and at the end the questionnaire reliability was calculated by the use of Cronbach’s Alpha and it was 0.88. In order to summarize and classify the raw scores, the descriptive statistics such as tables, mean and standard deviation were used. Also in inferential statistics in order to test the research hypotheses the independent t-test was used. Also in order to determine the normal distribution of data the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test was used. The significance level for all of the hypotheses was α= 0.05, and the data were analyzed by the use of SPSS software version 20.


From the 400 university students who were among the research examinees, 123 of them were girls and 277 of them were boys. The number of single and married women was nearly equal. In men, 209 of them were single which include the majority of the group and 68 of them were married. Based on the obtained result, most of the girl respondents were at the age range of 18 to 28 years old which include 70.7%. Also most of the boy respondents were at the same age range which includes 85.9%. Most of the collegiate girls have associate degree which includes 49.6%. Most of the collegiate boys have bachelor degree which includes 42.6%. Most collegiate girls had 1 to 3 years of history of participation in public sports. In collegiate boys this number is 140 individuals which include 57.6% of the collegiate boys. Thus all of the university students have the history of participating in public sports from 1 to 3 years. Most of the collegiate girls had the average motivation for participating in public sports which includes 65%. In collegiate boys also the most of motivation for participating in public sports was at the average level (Diagram 1).


Diagram of Respondents Distribution Based on the Participation Motivation for Public Sports

Also the inferential statistics results showed that the social interaction motivation in collegiate girls in low level covers 6.5% of the people. In average level, most of the respondents are girls which include 49.6%, and in high level they include 43.9%. In collegiate boys, majority of them have average motivation in order to have social interaction with other which include 48.4%. Gaining enjoyment and happiness to some extents could be considered as a motivation for them in participating in public sports. In girls, most of them have this motivation in average level. Also in boys 49.5% responded to this motivation in average level. Also the results show that among collegiate girls, gaining health and fitness is a motivation which can encourage them in high levels to participate in public sports. Most of the collegiate girls consider the motivation of gaining health and fitness in high level which includes 61.8%. Also 61% of the collegiate boys described the motivation for gaining health and fitness in order to participate in public sports at high levels. Among collegiate girls the improvement of employment and family relations is a motivation which can encourage them toward public sports at average levels. Most of the collegiate girls consider the improvement of relations at average level and they include 68.3%. 58.5% of collegiate boys also described the improvement of employment and family relations by participating in public sports at average levels. In collegiate girls, prevention and treatment of diseases is a motivation which can encourage them at high levels in order to participate in public sports. Most of the collegiate girls consider the motivation for prevention and treatment of diseases at high levels and they include 56.9%. 46.9% of the collegiate boys also described the prevention and treatment of diseases by participating in public sports at high level.

According to table 2 and the amounts related to the significance level, it could be stated that all of the H0 research hypotheses are confirmed and the researcher’s hypothesis or H1 is rejected. Thus it could be said that no significant difference exists between the collegiate boys and girls from the point of all of the sub-scales related to the motivation for performing public sports (social interaction, gaining enjoyment and happiness, gaining health and fitness, improvement of employment and family relations, and prevention and treatment of diseases).


Table 1: Quantitative Description of Research Sub-scales.


Table 2: Results Obtained from the U-Mann-Whitney test for Comparing the Collegiate Boys and Girls Groups.

Discussion and Conclusion

In this research edited with the aim of studying the participation motivations of university students in public sports this research compared these motivations among collegiate boys and girls. Results showed that university students in both groups of boys and girls had average motivation for participating in public sports. Also participation in public sports with the motivation of social interaction in both groups was at average level. Participation in public sports with the motivation of gaining enjoyment and happiness is separately at average level in both groups. Along with this, participation in public sports with the motivation of gaining health and fitness and also preventing and treating the diseases in both groups were at high level. The collegiate students in both boys and girls groups stated that participation in public sports with the motivation of improvement in employment and family relations were at average level. Thus gaining health and fitness and preventing and treating the diseases are the first priority of the university students for participating in sport activities, and social interaction, gaining enjoyment and happiness, and improvement of employment and family relations are the second priorities of motivation for participating in public sports. Along with this Norton (2000), Chen (1998) Sharp Share (1999) stated in their researches that gaining health and fitness are the first priorities of their respondents. In this regard the current research results are consistent with these results. In studying the research main hypothesis the results showed that no significant difference exists between the motivation for participation in public sports among the collegiate boys and girls of Islamic Azad University of Urmia. Along with this Attarzadeh and Sohrabi (2007) also did not find any significant difference between the motivations of motor and sport activities among the men and women residing at Mashhad. This research finding is consistent with the above research results. This result shows that gender makes no difference in participation motivations of university students in public sports, and all of the students including boys or girls have the same attitude toward the participation motivations for public sports. Its reason could be due to the fact that in our country performing one or another sport does not have any limitations for any gender. Women could be equal to men in performing free sport activities. Also due to the advertisements and increase of media communications, nowadays everyone is aware of the importance and its special position specially in maintaining health and they have mutual attitude and perspective toward the benefits of performing sport activities. According to the obtained results, the following matters are suggested: Contribution of sports organizations with universities and educational-cultural centers for increasing the level of participation of individuals specially the youth which means university students in physical activities and also close contribution of sports organizations with educational centers for ensuring that the youth are aware of the benefits of physical activity (health, happiness and welfare). In addition to that developing the infrastructures and dedicated spaces both healthy and accessible in university environments are suggested to facilitate the more contribution of the youth in public sports. Also conducting similar researches in other provinces of the country and fulfilling the needs and sport facilities of those provinces are recommended to the future researchers.
