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Short Communication - (2022) Volume 6, Issue 3

Advantages of Nanotechnology in the Solar Cells
Bhuninder Singh*
Department of Biotechnology, PCTE Group of Institutes, India
*Correspondence: Bhuninder Singh, Department of Biotechnology, PCTE Group of Institutes, India, Email:

Received: 02-May-2022, Manuscript No. ipnnr-22-13649; Editor assigned: 04-May-2022, Pre QC No. ipnnr-22-13649 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-May-2022, QC No. ipnnr-22-13649; Revised: 23-May-2022, Manuscript No. ipnnr-22-13649 (R); Published: 30-May-2022, DOI: 10. 12769/ipnnr-22.6.27


Nanotechnology can assist with tending to the current proficiency obstacles and enormously increment the age and capacity of sunlight based energy. An assortment of actual cycle has been laid out at the nanoscale that can work on the handling and transmission of sun based energy. The utilization of nanotechnology in sun oriented cells has opened the way to the improvement of another age of superior execution items. At the point when rivalry for clean energy choices is growing, an assortment of potential methodologies has been examined to extend the possibilities. New standards have been investigated in the space of sun oriented cell age, multi-age, range adjustment, thermo-photoelectric cells, sweltering transporter, the centre band, and numerous different methods. Nanoparticles and nanostructures have been displayed to upgrade the assimilation of light, increment the transformation of light to energy, and have worked on warm capacity and transport [1,2].


Utilizing nanoparticles in the assembling of sunlight based cells has the accompanying advantages: Diminished assembling costs because of utilizing a low temperature process like printing rather than the high temperature vacuum statement process commonly used to deliver ordinary cells made with glasslike semiconductor material. Diminished establishment costs accomplished by delivering adaptable rolls rather than unbending translucent boards. Cells produced using semiconductor slender movies will likewise have this trademark. As of now accessible nanotechnology sun powered cells are not proficient as conventional ones, but their cheaper balances this. In the drawn out nanotechnology renditions should both be lower cost and, utilizing quantum specks, ought to have the option to arrive at higher effectiveness levels than ordinary ones. Nanoparticles with their heightened and advanced physicochemical properties and the amazing surface to region proportion can be utilized as nanostructured layers covered on the slender film sun based cells prompting three principal benefits. The viable optical way for light assimilation, first of all, is a lot bigger than the genuine film thickness in view of different reflections. Second, light-produced electrons and openings should be sent over a lot more limited way until the deficiency of recombination is diminished strikingly. In the result, the thickness of the assimilation layer of sun powered cells with nanostructured dainty movies can be almost 150 nanometers rather than a few micrometres in the customary slight film sun based cells. As the third and last benefit, different layers of energy band hole can be planned in view of wanted applications through utilizing different sizes of nanoparticles. The utilization of nanomaterial in assembling sunlight based cells can have different advantages also. It can significantly lessen establishment costs through manufacturing adaptable rolls rather than hard and inflexible glasslike boards. At this moment, the sun based cells that exploit nanotechnology aren’t productive as the conventional ones yet their expense is low. Over quite a while, nanomaterial-based sun powered cells could be less expensive and on the off chance that quantum spots are likewise remembered for the assembling, higher efficiencies are additionally conceivable to accomplish [3,4].


The impacts that a minimal expense, sensibly productive (low power) sun based cell would have on society are enormous. It would assist with saving the climate, safeguard officers, furnish rustic regions with power, and change the hardware business. These sensational impacts, which would be generally a consequence of nanotechnology, would extraordinarily change and even further develop society.


Citation: Singh B (2022) Advantages of Nanotechnology in the Solar Cells. J Nanosci Nanotechnol Res. 6: 27

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