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Short Communication - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 1

Alien Hand Syndrome

Chou Wang*

Department of Psychology, Fudan University, Shangai, China

Corresponding Author:
Wang C
Department of Psychology, Fudan University, Shangai, China

Received: January 5, 2021; Accepted: January 18, 2021; Published: January 28, 2021

Citation: Wang C (2021) Alien Hand Syndrome. Clin Psychiatry Vol.7 No. 1:80.

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Alien hand syndrome is an uncommon neurological condition that makes one hand follow up on its own freedom of thought. Once in a while one leg is influenced, however this isn't as normal. With Alien hand disorder, the hand isn't heavily influenced by the brain and moves like it has its own psyche. The influenced hand feels unfamiliar to its proprietor during these scenes and appears to move purposely to do undertakings that are inadvertent. It occurs in youngsters, typically outsider hand happens in grown-ups. It's occasionally alluded to as Dr. Strangelove disorder, Strangelovian hand, or anarchic hand.


Alien hand disorder can be brought about by a few components. A few people create outsider hand condition after a stroke, injury, or tumor. It's occasionally connected with malignancy, neurodegenerative infections, and mind aneurysms.

Alien hand condition is connected to mind surgeries that differs the two halves of the globe of the cerebrum. This may include a cut along the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum separates the cerebrum halves of the globe and takes into account corresponding between the different sides. Medical procedures to treat epilepsy now and again influence the mind along these lines. Lesions have additionally been found in the foremost cingulate cortex, back parietal cortex, and strengthening engine cortex territories of the mind in those with the condition [1-4].

Cerebrum checks show that individuals with Alien hand disorder have disengaged exercises in the contralateral essential engine region. This is believed to be because of injuries or harm in the parietal cortex. This influences deliberate arranging frameworks and can cause unconstrained developments.

Side effects

The most conspicuous side effect of Alien hand condition is the failure to control the hand as it acts autonomously. The influenced hand may move automatically and perform objective coordinated errands and activities. The hand is said to move without intellectual control or mindfulness. It's like it's being constrained by another person or has a psyche.

The hand may contact your face, button a shirt, or get an article, in some cases consistently or impulsively. The Alien hand may likewise suspend all alone. The hand may likewise participate in self-oppositional activities, for example, shutting a cabinet that the other hand just opened or unfastening a shirt that you just fastened. The Alien hand is uncooperative and may perform inaccurate activities or neglect to follow orders.

Individuals with Alien hand condition may detect that the hand or appendage is unfamiliar or doesn't have a place with them. They don't deny appendage possession, which can occur in different issues.


A specialist may analyze Alien hand disorder through perception and assessment. Diagnosing this condition is confounded on the grounds that it's a neurological problem that comes up short on a mental segment. This makes it more hard to analyze on the grounds that social issues are more normal than Alien hand disorder. Indications can here and there be credited to a mental problem, which might be disappointing to the individual influenced.

Treatment choices

There is no solution for outsider hand disorder. Treatments and pharmacologic choices for this condition need advancement, however researchers are dealing with medicines to diminish indications. Individuals who have outsider hand condition after cerebrum ailment or a stroke may recuperate after some time. Notwithstanding, recuperation is less fruitful for individuals with neurodegenerative infections.

The condition might be dealt with or overseen utilizing muscle control treatments, for example, botulinum poison (Botox) and neuromuscular obstructing specialists. Benzodiazepines have been effective sometimes, yet conduct strategies appear to be more gainful.

Mirror box treatment, psychological treatment methods, and learning task social treatments can help oversee manifestations. Visuospatial training strategies may likewise help. Some of the time the individual will attempt to limit their outsider hand by holding it under between their legs or sitting on it. A few people may find that it's useful to hold an item in the outsider hand to keep it from performing errands.

It might help for the person with Alien hand disorder or someone else to provide verbal orders to stop the activities. Nonetheless, this strategy may not give enduring outcomes. A specialist may suggest physical and word related treatments.
