Awards 2020 - (2019) Volume 16, Issue 6
Rosa Lelyana
Medical Doctor / Scientist, Diponegoro University, Indonesia, E-mail:
2nd Global Summit on Food Science, Nutrition and Technology Conference will be a Global gathering centre point for Professors, Nutritionists, Food Experts, Market Leaders, Students and Online guests, Academicians and Business experts, who are working in the field of food, nutrition, agriculture and healthcare department. This is one of the ways we try to reach out to speakers and delegates which isn’t being offered by other meeting coordinators. Through their research works and expert profiles, our speakers sorted out by the Organizing committee members who get global recognition. Food Summit 2020 is scheduled during August 24-25, 2020 at Prague, Czech Republic.
Food, Nutrition and health are main part of the economy without which we would barely survive on this planet. As humans have lived on this planet ever since the evolution of mankind, we have adopted certain food and lifestyle habits which keep us fit and healthy. Due to sudden change in the lifestyle, increased demand of food and decreasing nutritional value in food, the health of many people is affected.
This platform is to bring together all the researchers working in the field of nutrition, in order to develop novel ideas aimed at creating a future having sustainable agriculture and good health. Food development starts with Agriculture which plays a major role in nutrient content of the food. Then the food is processed, packed and stored where most of the nutrients are lost. Using proper packaging and storing techniques, the nutrient loss can be minimized which may be more useful for nutrient preservation and absorption.
Previous Speakers:
John Ellis Agens, Florida State University USA; Marica Bakovic, University of Guelph Canada; Elizabeth Jeffery, University of Illinois USA; Elena T Carbone, University of Massachusetts Amherst USA; Gary D Stoner, The Ohio State University USA; Carolyn E Moore, Texas Woman’s University USA; Catherine Wickham, University of Massachusetts Amherst USA; Regina Esiovwa Ahumareze, University of the West of Scotland UK.
Award Categories of Food Chemistry Congress 2020:
Expert Level:
The Award is to represent the experts who have made the best contributions to the food and nutrition department. This award is the most prestigious of the whole conference and is also known as a scientific service award.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. One should have at least a minimum of 20+ years of experience in the Food, Nutrition and agriculture field in the public or private sector.
2. The award acceptor should take initiative in researching the recent trends and developments in the subjects related to food and nutrition.
The nominations for the deserving nominee can be submitted online
Professional Level:
The professional level award is presented to the expert who has research knowledge and experience of 10+ years in the field of food and nutrition with relevant accomplishments in the public or private sector. Part-time research would be counted proportionally. It is calculated from the date when you acquired your first degree entitling you to embark on a doctorate (either in the country where the degree was obtained or in a different country where the researcher was recruited), even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged.
The nominations for the deserving nominee can be submitted online.
Scholar Level:
The Scholar Level Award is offered to the approaching scientists, analyzers and researchers having 10+ years of research experience in the field of food and nutrition. Our conference would like to provide a platform where you can share your research knowledge and expand your network. The presentation includes 25-30 minutes of oral speech on the research of food and nutrition based on the theme "Analysing the effect of modern food choices on humans" along with 5 mins of a panel discussion.
The nominations for the deserving nominee can be submitted online.
Women Scientist:
The conference food summit 2020 provides a unique platform for women scientists for presenting their research projects. We cordially invite women scholars and scientists from universities and research institutes who have 10+ years of experience in the field of food and nutrition to join the forum. We are happy to encourage women scientists through research awards and provide assistance in their career and research through our collaborations.
Women Scientists can nominate the deserving nominee online.
Outstanding speaker:
The Outstanding speaker award is to recognize an individual who presents their projects, strategies and schemes that have been implemented to improve the field of food and nutrition.
The nominations for the deserving outstanding speaker can be submitted online.
Best Keynote Speaker:
The best keynote speaker award is to recognize the speaker who presents their projects, strategies and schemes that have been implemented to improve the research in the food and nutrition department.
You can nominate the deserving keynote speaker if you were confirmed as a keynote speaker yourself by the program manager.
Best Poster Presentation:
The Best Student Poster Competition award is being organized to encourage students and graduates with their original research on food and nutrition. All accepted abstracts will be presented at the poster sessions during the conference. We aim to set a platform for all the young and budding scientists and researchers to present their real-time research and views with the world.
The nominations for the Best Poster Presentation can be submitted online.
Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation:
The Outstanding Thesis award is to recognize the masters/Ph.D./ Post Doctorate thesis work presentations that are willing to present their projects and thesis in the field of food and nutrition.
The nominations for the Outstanding Thesis can be submitted online.
Casper Grey
Food Summit 2020
WhatsApp: +44 122 563 7058
2nd Global Summit on Food Science, Nutrition and Technology
August 24-25, 2020Prague, Czech Republic