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Awards 2020 - (2020) Volume 6, Issue 6

Awards 2021 on 5th Edition of International Conference on Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, Czech Republic

Mie Shaun

Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, UK, E-mail:

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Outstanding Researcher

The award is categorized for the Researcher who have made outstanding contributions in advancing in Clinical Chemistry Research field. It is the most regarded honor for the researcher who has made a incredible contribution in the development of Clinical Chemistry. The capability criteria for achieving this honor is that one should have at least 20+ Year of experience in the field of Clinical Chemistry either in public or private sector. The achiever of this award must have a dedicated contribution in researching recent trend in field of Clinical Chemistry. Nominations process for this honor is accepted for deserving candidate through online.

Best Discovery

The Award for Professional or educational research development picked up in Clinical Science research field in the all-inclusive community or private section for authorities having research data in the field of Clinical Chemistry with most significant accomplishments. The candidate who fulfills all the requirements in this field of robotics and automation, and having a unique research or best discovery in the field, the candidate will nominate for the best discovery award. Nominations process for this honor is accepted through online.

Young Scientists

In order to encourage the young scientists around the world, the organizing committee member of Clinical Chemistry facilitates the Young Scientists Award to those students who must be enrolled in good standing at an accredited 4-year degree-granting college or pursuing his PhD degree. The award is given on the basis of the student’s accomplishments, enthusiasm and demonstrated potential in the field of Clinical Chemistry Engineering and subject related to automation and robotics area of interest. Award is recognized by organizing committee member of Clinical Chemistry after review process.

Best Speaker

This Best Speaker award is recognizing for individual who will present their projects, strategies, and schemes That has been implemented to improve long-term excellence in Clinical Chemistry. This honor will be recognized by organizing committee member of Clinical Chemistry 2020 after review process.

Best YRF

In order to encourage the young student around the world, the organizing committee member of Clinical Chemistry facilitates the Best YRF award to those students who must be enrolled in good standing at an accredited 4-year degree-granting college or pursuing his PhD degree. The award is given on the basis of the student’s accomplishments, enthusiasm and demonstrated potential in the field of Clinical Chemistry and subject related to Clinical Chemistry area of interest. Award is recognized by organizing committee member of Clinical Chemistry after review process.

Best Poster

There will be a poster session at the Clinical Chemistry 2020 conference and this award is dedicated to the poster presentation in the conference. The best poster presentation will be chosen among all the researchers in the session. Best Poster presentation award winner is sorted out at the Clinical Chemistry Conference, to empower understudies, graduates and researcher to exhibit their unique research. Every acknowledged dynamic will be introduced at the poster presentation sessions during the meeting. EuroSciCon targets setting a stage for all the sprouting researchers and analysts to introduce their on-going work and offer their perspectives and viewpoints identified with the topic of the meeting.

  • 4th Edition of International Conference on Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
    Czech Republic