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Commentary - (2022) Volume 8, Issue 1

Brief Study on Biomarkers in Autisms
Department of Chemistry and Endocrinology, University Hospital of Pisa, Italy
*Correspondence: Paolo Vitti, Department of Chemistry and Endocrinology, University Hospital of Pisa, Italy, Email:

Received: 03-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. IPBM-22-12689; Editor assigned: 05-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. IPBM-22-12689; Reviewed: 19-Jan-2022, QC No. IPBM-22-12689; Revised: 24-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. IPBM-22-12689; Published: 31-Jan-2022, DOI: 10.35841/ipbm- 8.1.113


Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a diverse group of disorders triggered by a mixture of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. Efforts to identify dependable biological markers in genetic factors, brain imaging, epigenetics, and measures of the body’s metabolism are growing in an effort to better attack the underlying roots of ASD for diagnosis and treatment. In this article, we review studies published of predictive markers in autism and deduce that, although there is rising promise of finding biomarkers that really can help us target treatment, none have quite enough proof to support regular medical use it unless healthcare illness is suspected. Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a broad group of conditions caused by a combination of genetic disposition and environmental factors. Research is needed to identify reliable biomarkers in genetic factors, brain scans, epigenetics, and metabolic measurements are increasing inside an attempt to improve attack the underlying roots of ASD for management and therapy. In this article, we review studies published of applied to determine in autism and conclude that, while there is increasing promise of discovering biomarkers that can truly help us target treatment, none have quite enough proof to support regular medical use until a health - care illness is presumed. Several neurodevelopmental disorders have complex genetic or epigenetic features that contribute to one‘s phenotype, but for some, there really is no single genetic basis for diagnosis; thus, the condition is diagnosed phenotypically, as in schizophrenia, ADHD, as well as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Whereas phenotypic characterization of neurodevelopmental disorders is indeed a crucial component of clinical and research settings, a given phenotype can arise from a combination of biological pathways (especially when the disorder is caused by numerous genetic and epigenetic factors). As a result, treating a “phenotypic diagnosis” with a particular medication or intervention may be highly effective for one “phenotypically characterized” individual with a particular set of genetic and/or epigenetic biomarkers but totally ineffective for another one with a different arrangement of biomarkers. An important objective of ongoing ASD research is to further precisely identify the several distinct abnormal genetic or epigenetic processes which underpin the disorder’s phenotype; This could allow individuals to be classified into subgroups with particular biomarker profiles which respond better to specific treatments. It also has the possibility to shed light on the abnormal physiology that leads to autism, which could lead to earlier detection and more targeted therapies. A major challenge in particular level in ASD is that genetic markers may reflect genetic and neurobiological adjustments or signaling pathways (broadly defined, see below) processes that are active only during specific times and do not describe the disorder, only the procedure that led to it. Furthermore, treatment study should ideally involve biological markers that are thought to predict clinical side effect advancements from therapeutic care. To determine whether an intervention is altering or trying to target an energetic biomedicine process that is related to the subject’s reply at the time. Indeed, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has changed its funding policy so that “trial proposed measures will have to recognize a target or mediator; a positive outcome will require that not only the an intervention ameliorated a side effect but also that it had such a demonstrable impact on a target, including a neural pathway implicated in the disorder or a main cognitive operation.



Conflict of Interest

We have no conflict of interests to disclose and the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors.

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