Journal of the Pancreas Open Access

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Perspective - (2022) Volume 23, Issue 4

Characterization of Pancreatitis by Premature Intracellular Activation of Digestive Proteases within Pancreatic Acini
John D. Feuerste*
Department of Gastroenterology, Rady Children's Hospital, United States
*Correspondence: John D. Feuerste, Department of Gastroenterology, Rady Children's Hospital, California, United States, Email:

Received: 25-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. IPP-22-741; Editor assigned: 28-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. IPP-22-741(PQ); Reviewed: 11-Apr-2022, QC No. IPP-22-741; Revised: 15-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. IPP-22-741(R); Published: 18-Apr-2022, DOI: 10.35841/1590-8577-23.4.741


This early activation could happen through a variety of methods. Calcium signalling in acinar cells may be disrupted, or trypsinogen may be broken down to trypsin by the lysosomal hydrolase cathepsin-B, or the intracellular pancreatic trypsin inhibitor's activity may be reduced. The most common symptom of acute pancreatitis is stomach discomfort, which is dull, boring, and consistent. Typically, the pain begins suddenly and steadily worsens until it becomes a chronic discomfort. The most common symptom of acute pancreatitis is stomach discomfort, which is dull, boring, and consistent. Typically, the pain begins suddenly and steadily worsens until it becomes a chronic discomfort.


Alcoholic pancreatitis is a common side effect of binge drinking. The risk of pancreatitis rises with increasing alcohol doses, implying that alcohol has dose-dependent harmful effects on the pancreas. However, it is known that only a small percentage of drinkers acquire the condition, implying that another trigger may be required to cause clinically visible pancreatic impairment. Alcohol is now well known to be processed by the pancreas through both oxidative and non-oxidative metabolites. Changes in the acinar cells caused by alcohol and its metabolites may increase premature intracellular digestive enzyme activation, predisposing the gland to autodigestive damage. Alcohol and its metabolites, as well as cytokines and growth factors generated during alcohol-induced pancreatic necroinflammation, activate Pancreatic Stellate Cells (PSCs). Activated PSCs are the cells that cause the fibrosis seen in alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. For long years, researchers have been trying to find clinically significant characteristics that could explain why some drinkers are prone to pancreatitis. Although endotoxin has been proven to cause overt pancreatic injury and enhance disease development in alcohol-fed animals in the experimental context, clinical research have yet to find an unequivocal, functionally defined link. While the biochemical effects of alcohol on the pancreas have become clearer in recent years, identifying predisposing or triggering variables remains difficult [1].

Mechanisms of Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis (pancreatic necrosis) can express itself in both acute and chronic forms. Acute pancreatitis is most commonly caused by gallstones, but alcohol is linked to both acute and chronic forms of the condition. As additional hereditary causes of pancreatitis are uncovered, the number of cases of true idiopathic pancreatitis is rapidly decreasing. The pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis has been studied extensively over the last four decades, and the current view is that the injury occurs within pancreatic acinar cells as a result of premature intracellular activation of digesting enzymes. Acute pancreatitis with recurrent bouts has the potential to develop into a chronic condition with fibrosis and loss of pancreatic function. The isolation and research of pancreatic stellate cells, now established as important cells in pancreatic fibrogenesis, the scarring process has advanced significantly. The current review covers recent advancements in the field, especially in terms of uncovering the molecular underpinnings of acute and chronic pancreatic injury caused by gallstones, alcohol, and hereditary factors. Continued study in this area is expected to lead to the identification and characterization of molecular pathways that could be therapeutically targeted to prevent or slow the disease's onset and progression [2].

The critical process by which acute pancreatitis begins is assumed to be autodigestion by proteolytic enzymes. The location and mechanism of activation of pancreatic proteases, which are physiologically stored and released as inactive precursor zymogens, has remained a mystery. Cathepsin B, a lysosomal protease, can activate trypsinogen in vitro in a manner similar to enterokinase activation; cathepsin B colocalizes with trypsinogen in the secretory compartment of the rat and human pancreas; trypsinogen activation begins in a secretory compartment distinct from mature zymogen granules; and cathepsin B These findings shed light on the complicated relationships between cysteine and serine proteases in the pancreas, including their activation processes, subcellular action locations, and potential roles in pancreatitis [3].

Signaling in Premature Protease Activation

As inactive precursor zymogens, the exocrine pancreas synthesises and secretes enormous numbers of digestive proteases. A range of cellular defence mechanisms protect the pancreatic acinar cell from premature and intracellular activation of these zymogens under normal settings. When these defences fail, pancreatic autodigestion begins, which can lead to acute pancreatitis. Several experimental findings imply that extracellular and intracellular calcium concentrations both have a role in the commencement of pancreatic protease activation, but the intracellular signalling mechanisms that control this process remain unknown. We were able to recreate the conditions encountered during experimental pancreatitis in rodents using a model system that included pancreatic acini. Using a cell permeant fluorescent trypsin substrate, we were able to show that premature protease activation begins at the apical acinar cell pole and happens only when secretagogue concentrations surpass those required for a maximum secretory response in these acini [4].

Proteolysis of Pancreatic Zymogens

The stimulation of pancreatic digesting zymogens within the acinar cell of the pancreas could be a precursor to pancreatitis. An immunoblot test that assesses the relative quantities of inactive zymogens and their active enzyme forms has been devised to detect such activation. High dosages of cholecystokinin or carbachol stimulated the intracellular conversion of at least three zymogens in this experiment. The conversion occurs within ten minutes of treatment and is unrelated to changes in acinar cell morphology; it is thought that cathepsin B, a lysosomal thiol protease, is responsible for the conversion. Small quantities of cathepsin B are detected in the secretory route, and cathepsin B can activate trypsinogen in vitro [5].


Premature intracellular activation of digestive proteases, especially lysosomal hydrolases, may be implicated in the breakdown of active enzyme forms, according to the findings. These findings suggest that the pancreatic acinar cell contains pathways for zymogen activation and degradation of active enzyme forms.


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Citation: Feuerste JD. Characterization of pancreatitis by premature intracellular activation of digestive proteases within pancreatic acini. JOP. J Pancreas. 2022;23(4):741.

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